BPA, bisphenol A; DDT, dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethane; DDE, dichlorodiphenyl dichloroethylene; ER, estrogen receptor; AR, androgen receptor; PBB, polybrominated biphenyls; PBDE, polybrominated diphenyl ester; PCB, polychlorinated biphenyl; PVC, poly vinyl chloride.
Modified from Gore AC, et al. Endocr Rev 2015;36:E1-E150, with permission of Oxford University Press.[10]
Chemical exposure (biospecimen) | Study population (sample size) | Subjects age | Study design | Correlation with puberty | Findings | Reference |
Phthalate (serum) | Puerto Rico (41 with PT+35 controls) | 6 months-10 years old | CC | YES (early) | Higher DBP DEHP, and MEHP levels in girls with PT | Colon, 2000 [54] |
Phthalate (serum) | China (110 with PP+100 controls) | 6-8 years old | CC | YES (early) | Higher DBP and DEHP levels in girls with PP | Qiao, 2007 [55] |
BPA (serum) | Korea (50 with PP+50 controls) | 8-11 years old | CC | NO | No significant differences between PP and control group regarding BPA levels | Han, 2008 [29] |
BPA (urine) | US (192) | 9 years old | CS; assessed pubertal status by questionnaire and examination | NO | No effects of BPA on pubertal status | Wolff, 2008 [30] |
Phthalate (urine) | Taiwan (30 with PT+ 26 with CPP+ 33 controls) | 6-9 years old | CC | YES (early) | Higher MMP levels in girls with PT | Chou, 2009 [56] |
BPA/Phthalate (serum) | Korea (29 with CPP+ 29 controls) | CC | NO (BPA)/YES (phthalate, early) | No significant differences between CPP and control groups regarding BPA levels/higher DEHP levels in girls with CPP | Lee, 2009 [31] | |
BPA (serum) | China (110 with PP+100 controls) | 6-8 years old | CC | YES (early) | Higher BPA levels in girls with CPP | Qiao, 2010 [32] |
BPA/Phthalate (urine at enrollment) | US, BCERP cohort (1,151) | 6-8 years old | C (1-year followup); assessed Tanner stages by inspection and palpation | NO (BPA)/YES (high-molecular-weight-phthalates, late vs. low-molecular- weight-phthalates, early) | No effects of BPA on breast or public hair development/High-molecular-weight-phthalates levels were associated with late pubic hair development, while low-molecular-weight-phthalates levels with advanced breast/pubic hair development | Wolff, 2010 [33] |
BPA/Phthalate (urine) | US, NHANES 2003-2008 (461) | 12-16 years old | CS; assessed age at menarche | NO (both) | No effects of BPA levels or total phthalate metabolite levels on the age of menarche | Buttke, 2012 [34] |
Phthalate (urine) | Denmark (Total 725 girls, 24 with PP+184 controls) | 5-19 years old | CS or CC; assessed pubertal stages by clinical examination | NO | MBzP and MBP levels were associated with late pubarche, not associated with thelarche No significant differences between PP and control group regarding phthalate metabolite levels | Frederiksen, 2012 [57] |
Phthalate (urine) | Taiwan (73 with CPP +31 controls) | 2-11 years old | CC | YES (early) | Higher phthalate metabolite (MEP, MBzP MEHHP, and MEOHP) levels in girls with CPP | Chen, 2013 [58] |
BPA (urine) | Denmark (129) | 6-21 years old | CS; assessed pubertal status by clinical examination or questionnaire | NO | No effects of BPA on pubertal developmental stage | Frederiksen, 2013 [35] |
Phthalate (urine at enrollment and at follow-up) | Denmark (84) | 5-12 years old | C (follow-up every 6 months for 5 years); assessed Tanner stages to determine age at puberty | NO | No effects of phthalate on the age of pubertal development | Mouritsen, 2013 [59] |
BPA/Phthalate (serum) | Korea (150 with PP +90 controls) | 6-12 years old | CC | NO (BPA)/YES (phthalate, early) | No significant differences between PP group and control group regarding BPA levels/Higher MBP levels in girls with PP | Yum, 2013 [36] |
BPA (urine) | Turkey (28 with CPP + 25 controls) | 4-8 years old | CC | YES (early) | Higher BPA levels in girls with CPP | Durmaz, 2014 [37] |
BPA (urine) | Korea (42 with CPP +40 with PPP+ 37 controls) | 7-9 years old | CC | NO | No significant differences between PP group and control group regarding BPA levels | Lee, 2014 [38] |
Phthalate (urine at enrollment) | US, BCERP cohort (1,239) | 6-8 years old | C (follow-up until breast and pubic hair development); pubertal status examination 1-2 times/year | YES (late) | Higher exposure to high-molecular-weight-phthalates (DEHP) was associated with later pubarche | Wolff, 2014 [60] |
BPA (serum) | China (251 with PT +33 controls) | 4 months-2 years old | CC; PT in female infants | YES (early) | Higher BPA levels in girl with PT | Chen, 2015 [39] |
BPA (urine) | US, NHANES 2003-2010 (987) | 12-19 years old | CS; assessed age at menarche by questionnaire | NO | BPA level was associated with delayed menarche (not statistically significant) | McGuinn, 2015 [40] |
BPA (urine at enrollment) | US, BCERP cohort (1,239 girls) | 6-8 years old | C (follow-up for 7-year); annual pubertal assessment | NO | No association between pubertal development and BPA levels | Wolff, 2015 [41] |
Phthalate (urine at enrollment and at follow-up) | China (208) | 6-13 years old | CS or C; assessed pubertal development state at 18 months of follow-up | YES (early) | Phthalate levels (MBP, MMP MEP and MEHP) were associated with higher breast development stage, earlier menarche, and speedup in breast progression | Zhang, 2015 [61] |
BPA (urine)/Phthalate (plasma) | Turkey (42 with CPP +42 with PPP+ 50 controls) | 6-8 years old | CC | NO (BPA)/YES (phthalate, early) | No differences between CPP, PPP and control groups regarding BPA levels/ Higher DEHP and MEHP levels in girls with CPP than those with PPP or controls | Bulus, 2016 [42] |
BPA (urine) | Turkey (28 with CPP +28 with PT+ 22 controls) | 5-8 years old | CC | NO | No differences between CPP, PT and control groups regarding BPA levels | Ozgen, 2016 [43] |
BPA (urine) | Thailand (41 with PP +47 controls) | 6-8 years old | CC | Yes (early) | Higher BPA levels in girl with PP especially in overweight or obese group | Supornsilchai, 2016 [44] |
BPA/Phthalate (urine at enrollment) | Germany (222) | 8-10 years old | C (3-year follow-up); annually follow up for pubertal development scale questionnaires | YES (both, late) | BPA or phthalate metabolites (DEHP metabolites, MBP, and MEP) levels were associated with delayed pubertal development | Kasper-Sonnenberg, 2017 [45] |
BPA (urine) | China (655) | 9-18 years old | CS; assessed pubertal development by Tanner staging and self-reported age at menarche | YES (early pubarche, late menarche) | BPA exposures were associated with delayed menarche while with earlier onset of pubarche | Miao, 2017 [46] |
Phthalate (urine) | Thailand (42 with PP+17 with early puberty+ 77 controls) | 6-11 years old | CC | YES (early) | Higher MEP levels in girls with PP than those of controls | Srilanchakon, 2017 [62] |
BPA/Phthalate (urine at enrollment) | US, BCERP cohort (1,051) | 6-8 years old | C (11-year follow-up); annual pubertal assessment, selfreported age at menarche | NO (BPA)/YES (phthalate, late) | No association between pubertal development or menarche and BPA/ Higher MCPP levels were associated with later age of thelarche and menarche | Wolff, 2017 [47] |
BPA/Phthalate (maternal urine, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimester) | Mexico (120) | 8-13 years | C; assessed Tanner staging by examination | YES (BPA of 2nd trimester, early)/YES (phthalate, whole pregnancy, late) | Prenatal BPA of the 2nd trimester was positively associated with thelarche / Prenatal MEHP across pregnancy was negatively associated with thelarche, while MEHP of 3rd trimester was positively associated with pubarche | Watkins, 2017 [48] |
BPA/Phthalate (maternal urine, at 14.0 and 26.9 weeks' gestation) | US, CHAMACOS cohort (179) | 9-13 years old | C (follow-up every 9 months between 9-13 years of age); assessed Tanner staging by examination | YES (BPA / phthalate, late) | Prenatal BPA levels and phthalate (DEHP metabolites and MBzP) were associated with later onset of puberty (thelarche, menarche, or pubarche) in normal weight girls | Berger, 2018 [49] |
Phthalate (urine at enrollment and last follow-up) | Chile (200) | 6-9 years old | C (follow-up every 6 months from Tanner 1 to 4 breast development); assessed age at menarche | YES (pre-pubertal DEHP late/pubertal MMP early) | Prepubertal DEHP metabolite levels were associated with later menarche, while pubertal MMP levels were associated with earlier menarche | Binder, 2018 [63] |
BPA (urine) | China (136 with CPP +136 controls) | 6-9 years old | CC | YES (early) | Higher BPA levels in girls with CPP | Chen, 2018 [50] |
BPA (urine) | Turkey (25 with PT +25 controls) | 4-8 years old | CC | YES (early) | Higher BPA levels in girl with PT | Durmaz, 201 8 [51] |
Phthalate (urine) | Turkey (29 with PT +25 controls) | 4-8 years old | CC | YES (early) | Higher MEHP levels in girls with PT | Durmaz, 2018 [64] |
Phthalate (serum) | Iran (87 with PP +63 controls) | 7-9 years old | CC | YES (early) | Higher DEHP levels in girls with PP | Hashemipour, 2018 [65] |
BCERP, the Breast Cancer and the Enviroment Reaserch Program; BPA, bisphenol A; BMI, body mass index; C, cohort study; CC, case-control study; CHAMACOS, the Center for the Health Assessment of Mothers and Children of Salinas; CPP, central precocious puberty; CS, crosssectional study; DBP, dibutyl phthalate; DEHP, di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate; MBP, mono-n-butyl phthalate; MBzP, mono-benzyl phthalate; MCPP, mono-3-carboxypropyl phthalate; MEHP, mono-2-ethylhexyl phthalate; MEHHP, mono-(2-ethyl-5-hydroxyhexyl) phthalate; MEOHP, mono-(2-ethyl-5-oxohexyl) phthalate; MEP, mono-ethyl phthalate; MMP, monomethyl phthalate; NHANES, The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey; PP, precocious puberty; PPP, peripheral precocious puberty; PT, premature thelarche; US, United States.
Chemical exposure (biospecimen) | Study population (sample size) | Subject age | Study design | Correlation with puberty | Finding | References |
PBB (maternal serum, breast milk) | US (327) | 5-24 years old | C; assessed Tanner stage and age at menarche by questionnaire | YES (early) | Perinatal PBB exposure was associated with earlier pubic hair stage and earlier age at menarche in breastfed girl | Blanck, 2000 [90] |
TCDD/PCBs (serum) | Belgium (120) | 16-18 years old | CS; assessed Tanner stage | YES (TCDD, late) | Higher serum dioxin levels were associated with delayed breast development | Den Hond, 2002 [85] |
DDE/PCBs (maternal serum) | US (151) | 20-50 years old | C; assessed age at menarche by questionnaire | YES (DDE, early)/NO (PCBs) | Higher prenatal DDE levels were associated with younger age at menarche/Prenatal PCB levels were not associated with age at menarche | Vasiliu, 2004 [70] |
TCDD (serum soon after exposure) | Italy (282) | 1 month to 40 years (premenarcheal at exposure) | C; assessed age at menarche by interview | NO | TCDD exposure was not related to age at menarche | Warner, 2004 [86] |
DDT (serum) | China (446) | 20-34 years old | CS; assessed age at menarche by interview | YES (early) | The mean age at menarche was younger in the highest DDT concentration quartile | Ouyang, 2005 [71] |
DDE/PCBs (serum) | Akwesasne Mohawk Nation (138) | 10-16 years old | CS; assessed menarche status by interview | NO (DDE)/YES (PCBs, early) | No association between DDE level and menarche status/PCB levels were significant predictors of reaching menarche | Denham, 2005 [72] |
DDE (plasma) | US (192) | 9 years old | CS; assessed pubertal status by questionnaire and examination | NO | No effects of plasma DDE levels on breast stage | Wolff, 2008 [30] |
PCDD/F PCBs, PBDE (breast milk, child serum) | Netherland (19) | 14-19 years old | C; assessed age at thelarche, pubarche, and menarche by questionnaire | YES (PCDD/F, late)/NO (PCBs, PBDE) | Prenatal PCDD/F exposure was associated with delayed breast development/No association between PCBs or PBDE and pubertal development | Leijs, 2008 [87] |
PCDD/F PCBs, PBDE (breast milk, child serum) | Netherland (19) | 14-19 years old | C; assessed age at thelarche, pubarche, and menarche by questionnaire | YES (PCDD/F, late)/ NO (PCBs, PBDE) | Prenatal PCDD/F exposure was associated with delayed breast development/No association between PCBs or PBDE and pubertal development | Leijs, 2008 [87] |
PBDE (serum) | US, NHANES 2003-2004 (271) | 12-19 years old | CS; assessed age at menarche by questionnaire | YES (early) | Higher PBDE levels were associated with earlier ages at menarche | Chen, 2011 [91] |
DDE/PCBs (serum) | Belgium (792) | 14-15 years old | CS; assessed pubertal status by Tanner stage and age at menarche | NO (DDE)/ YES (PCBs, late) | No effects of DDE levels on pubertal staging/Higher PCBs exposure was associated with late menarche | Den Hond, 2011 [73] |
DDE (serum) | China (76 with PP+ 99 controls) | 3-9 years old | CC | YES (early) | Higher positive rate of DDE in PP group | Deng, 2012 [74] |
DDE (serum, adipose tissue) | Turkey (45 with PT+16 with PP+33 controls) | 4-8 years old | CC | NO | Presence and levels of DDT/DDE were not associated with PP | Ozen, 2012 [75] |
DDE/PCBs/PBDE (serum at enrollment, peri-pubertal) | US, BCERP cohort (645) | 6-8 years old | CS or C (7-year follow-up); annual pubertal assessment | YES (DDE and PBDE of peri-pubertal, late)/NO (PCBs) | Higher peri-pubertal DDE and PBDE exposure was associated with later onset of puberty (attenuated effects of PCBs after BMI adjustment) | Windham, 2015 [76] |
DDT (serum) | Kazakhstan (524) | 10-17 years old | CS; assessed Tanner stage | YES (late) | Higher levels of DDT were associated with delayed pubertal development | Bapayeva, 2016 [77] |
PBDE (serum) | Italy (37 with PP+56 with PT+31 controls) | 5-8 years old | CC | YES (early) | Higher PBDE levels in girls with PT than those of controls | Deodati, 2016 [92] |
DDT/DDE (maternal serum) | UK (218 with menarche <11.5 yrs +230 controls) | 8-13 years old | C or CC (nested); assessed age at menarche by questionnaire (annually from ages 8-17) | NO | Prenatal DDT exposure was not associated with timing of menarche | Namulanda, 2016 [78] |
PBDE (maternal serum, child serum at age 9 years) | US, CHAMACOS cohort (314) | 9-13 years old | C (followed every 9 months between 9-13 years of age); assessed Tanner stage by examination | YES (prenatal, late)/NO (childhood) | Prenatal PBDE exposure was associated with later menarche, while childhood PBDE levels were not associated with pubertal timing | Harley, 2017 [93] |
3-PBA (urine) | China (305) | 9-15 years old | CS; Self-reported pubertal staging and menarche status | YES (late) | Negative association between urinary 3-PBA with pubertal development (breast/pubic hair stage, and menarche) | Ye, 2017 [81] |
BCERP, the Breast Cancer and the Environment Research Program; BMI, body mass index; C, cohort study; CC, case-control study; CHAMACOS, the Center for the Health Assessment of Mothers and Children of Salinas; CS, cross-sectional study; DDE, dichlorodiphenyl dichloroethane; DDT, dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethane; NHANES, The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey; PBB, polybrominated biphenyl; PBDE, polybrominated diphenyl ether; PCBs, polychlorinated biphenyl; PCDD, polychlorinated dibenzodioxins; PCDF, polychlorinated dibenzofurans; PP, precocious puberty; PT, premature thelarche; TCDD, tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin; UK, United Kingdom; US, United States; 3-PBA, 3-phenoxybenzoic acid.